Maulidur Rasul 2014

Assalammualaikum Brothers & Sisters,

We would like to invite you and your family for a religious gathering to  celebrate Prophet’s Muhammad (PBUH) birthday.

This will be a family programme. Details are below:
 Date & time: January 15, 2014Wednesday; Mughrib to Isha (7:30 pm to 9:30 pm).
Venue: Bunbury musallah, 11 Rose Street, Bunbury.

Tentative agendas:

7:30 pm   Mughrib prayer 
7:45 pm   Quran reading 
8:15 pm   Discussion on Prophet’s life 
9:15 pm   Isha prayer. 
9:30 pm  Dinner

If anyone is interested to talk on any life aspect of Prophet, please tell them to send Brother Ashraf ( name and the topics to me by email by 14th January 2014.

Insya-Allah, we can get together to strengthen our muslim community in Bunbury and surrounding area. Please bring a plate of food and drink to share.

Islamic Association of Bunbury.